Will my condition worst during
homeopathic treatment?
Not really, homeopathically speaking. Occasionally patients may
experience an initial increase in the intensity of their complaints,
which actually is better for complete recovery. However, this initial
increase in intensity usually lasts only for a few hours to a couple of
days, and is usually followed by recovery.
Can homeopathy reverse structural
changes (kidney size)?
Generally it reverses the whole disease process, and I personally have
experienced in my treated TB cases and in some of the kidney cases
where we found complete recovery from the disease. However, some of the
homeopaths say that gross pathological changes in their experiences can
only be palliated and symptomatic relief offered.
Will my disease recur?
After complete treatment ailments usually do not recur. However,
certain difficult or stubborn cases like allergies, colds, IBS etc. or
in other words conditions directly related to the environment, habits,
hygiene, and mental well being could occasionally reoccur, however they
generally do so with lesser frequency and intensity.
What is the duration of the
treatment in kidney problems?
Majority of curable cases can be treated within 3 to 12 months,
depending on the disease condition. It is practically impossible to
predict a precise period as an individual's response as well as the
extent to which the condition has progressed varies significantly. CKD
is an incurable disease so it may take 2 to 5 years depending on the
underlying causes.
Does homeopathy cure completely?
It is famous for permanent treatment. However its success rate depends
on the extent to which structural or pathological changes have taken
place and the nature of the disease.
Is Homeopathy safe with other
modes of treatment?
It is absolutely safe to continue medicines you are currently being
prescribed. There is no harm in taking supplements or medications you
are dependent on, during the course of the treatment. However,
non-essential drugs may be weaned off or gradually discontinued as
improvement sets in. Any change in your allopathic medicines should be
informed to your homeopathic physician.
In what ways it is different from
modern medicine (allopathy)?
We need to recognize that a person gets afflicted by a disease due to
an inherent tendency (disposition) to develop that disease. Not
everyone exposed to allergens or cold drafts develop allergies
colds respectively, and nor does every child exposed to humid weather
and pollution develop asthma. This inherent disposition to develop
certain diseases is a part of your constitution. As homeopaths we
stress on treating the person as an entity (constitution) and not the
presenting condition as a stand-alone disease. This way homeopathic
medicine selected on the basis of your temperament, likes/dislikes,
past medical and family history, genetic predisposition etc, which make
up your constitution, indicates the homeopathic remedy capable of
curing your ailment.
What do you mean by Classical
Homeopathy stimulates the individual's innate healing processes by
using very low dose preparations administered according to the
principle that "like should be cured with like." "Classical"
homoeopaths (Classical Homeopathy means Homeopathy with Principles)
attempt to identify the single medicine that corresponds to a patient's
general "constitution" a complex picture incorporating current illness
(physical and mental), medical history, personality, behavior and
family history. Two patients with identical conventional diagnoses may
receive very different homoeopathic medicines. It means Homeopathic
medicines are based on the individual personality trait and behavioral
reactions. Mental attitude, living style and environmental modalities
indicate the specific medicine for a patient. |