Case report Remission of Blood Cancer (ALL) just within 40 days with Homeopathy A young 15 years old female patient Miss. R, presented with low grade fever, anaemia and generalised weakness. On physical examination she had generalised lymphadenopathy, bony tenderness and hepato-spleenomegaly. Her laboratory reports were as follows at Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH): -- CBC (13/05/2002): 1) WBC - 9,370/cmm; Blasts - 58%; Polymorphs - 1%; Lymphocytes - 38%. 2) Normocytes 3/100 WBCs. 3) Platelets - 38500/cmm; Haemoglobin - 8.78 gm% -Bone marrow aspirate (13/05/2002): 1) Blasts - 94% 2) CD10+ 93%, CD19+ 45%, CD34+ 76%, HLA DR+ 44%. She had been diagnosed to have Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia (ALL CALLA+) on 15th May 2002 at TMH Mumbai, India.Due to lack of means (20 units blood and funds) patient came back to Agra on 24 May, without taking any medicines. At Agra I took care of her and started homeopathic treatment. On 26 May 2002, she was bleeding from various sites. Her normal blood counts were very - very low. Just after 20 days of treatment she started improving gradually. Total 5 units of blood (dates - 31May, 1, 11, 20, 21 June) have been infused till to day. Following investigations were done during treatment: 6/6/02: Hb- 4.4 gm%; TLC-1400/cmm; DLC- 96% of Lymphocytes including abnormal lymphoid cells; platelets count- 15,000/cmm.18/6/02: Hb- 4.0 gm%; TLC-1100/cmm; platelets count- 61,000/cmm.29/6/02: Hb- 4.8 gm%; TLC-3800/cmm; DLC- 76% Neutrophils and 29% Lymphocytes,No immature cells seen; Platelets count- 5.6 lac/cmm.8 July 02: Her complete blood counts were within normal limits. Hb- 8.0 gm%; TLC-7200/cmm; DLC- 61% Neutrophils and 38% Lymphocytes. No immature cells seen; Platelets count- 11.5 lac/cmm.For getting current status of the disease the patient was send to AIIMS New Delhi. Following investigations were done at AIIMS. 15 July 02: Hb- 9.6 gm%; TLC-12,600/cmm; Platelets count- 7.2 lac/cmm.Bone Marrow aspirate was showing hemopoietic cells of all series; Blasts were within normal limit; mild neutrophilic leucocytosis and thrombocytosis.There is now no lymphadenopathy, no bleeding since 28 June 02, no hepato-spleenomegaly.There is quite a good remission of disease without using chemotherapy. I must say homeopathy should be evaluated in terminal stages of cancers. |